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Harmony into nature while discovering Danang tour to Son Tra Peninsula

Just make a riding far from Da Nang City about 10 kilometers to the East of City, Son Tra Peninsula will give you amazing views of this forest and peninsular to admire its beauties in your Danang tour. With long white sandy beach, emerald sea water, diversity jungle that attract you more and more impression to discover this land.

With the first impression to this peninsular is the road from city centre to this land, you can see the hidden of this peninsular in foggy clouds and Linh Ung pagoda with the big Buddha Statue which can see from everywhere from Da Nang city.

Continue your journey to the peninsular you can admire the charming of Au Thuyen Tho Quang where collect and gather most of boats of local fishermen. No where in Danang you can catch nice photos of fishermen life and their daily activities in fishing. The most impression to you is the friendly people here with the smile always in their mouth whether their work is harder than. By this contribute for attractions not only for this land but also for local Da Nang people.

How wonderful it is when you can stand at the harbor and can see thousands of boats are waiting to sail the sea and catch the whole panorama of Danang city from the height.

When you step up the mountain you can see the windy road and two sides of mountains that make an adventure trip to explore the spectacular mountain and forest here. From the high location you can see waves are coming to the beach and hug the beach in its hand. What beautiful it is and cannot deny to shoot wonderful pictures.

By its own name is Son Tra or Monkey Island because there are many monkeys are living here. Don’t surprise you can see this wild animal here just far from city centre in a short distance. Besides, white flower are growing on field and bloom its flower white that make Son Tra as a picturesque and bring you an admiration for forest and wild flower beauties.

In addition, you can imagine as you touch the cloud once you step to higher on the mountain and amazing for its beauties of pure sky, emerald sea water in combination of green forest with big trees.

Besides famous now for luxury resort along the beach, which is ideal for relaxing and enjoying on beach, you can see Radar Station which is very important for army. At this site you can catch the panorama of three countries Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.

Let come and feel fresh and pure atmosphere in your Danang tour to this beautiful peninsula.

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